WhatsApp is a famous and widely-used mobile messaging application that is bought by Facebook from its original developer for a 1 billion dollar amount. Yes, it is how expensive WhatsApp is. The thing is, it seems that this application is overtaken by WeChat and Line mobile messaging applications. Because of this, here are 10 new WhatsApp tips and tricks all the users should know:
10. WhatsApp Chats Should Be Backed Up and Restored
WhatsApp messages can actually be backed up and restored. If your device is iOS-powered, then you have to go to Settings, and then Chat Settings towards Chat Backup and then tap “Back Up Now” option. For Androids, go to Settings and then Chat Settings, and then tap Backup Conversations.
9. “Last Seen” Timestamp Should Be Hidden
Other users of WhatsApp can certainly tell when was the last time you’re using WhatsApp, and this is all because of the “last seen” timestamp. For your own privacy, you can simply choose to disable it, but this is not that easy if you’re not an iOS user. It’s because you still need to download the Hide WhatsApp Status application.
8. Don’t Let WhatsApp Images Appear in the Camera Roll or Gallery
WhatsApp images may pop up on your phone gallery or camera roll. This is certainly not a thing you dreamt to experience. If you’re an iOS user, you need to go to the Settings of your phone, choose Privacy and then go to Photos. You can then turn off WhatsApp there. For Android users, creating .nomedia file on your WhatsApp would be the solution.
7. Lock Your WhatsApp
It’s just normal for your family to sometimes, sneak on your WhatsApp messages, and this is something you’re avoiding to happen for sure. In this case, locking your WhatsApp is very helpful. You just need to create a PIN number to protect your WhatsApp messages.
6. Create Shortcuts
You can always make your WhatsApp communication faster than ever. It is made possible through the shortcut you create for your favorite WhatsApp contact. It’s actually just a matter of long pressing the particular WhatsApp contact, and tapping on the “Add Conversation Shortcut” the moment the menu appears on the screen.
5. Having Your Android Tablets Installed with WhatsApp
WhatsApp is only intended for phones and not for tablets. It’s pre-programmed to be not compatible with tablets. However, don’t lose hope since using WhatsApp through your Android tablet can still be possible. You just have to download the latest version, which is the WhatsApp .apk.
4. Have Your WhatsApp Phone Number Changed
Uninstalling and reinstalling WhatsApp are no longer needed if you want to change your WhatsApp phone number. What you need to do is go to the WhatsApp Settings, tap Account, and then choose Change Number. You will then be required to enter your current phone number and the new number you preferred.
3. Install WhatsApp Notifications on Your Android Phone
If you’re working on your desktop, you’ll definitely miss some WhatsApp messages on your phone. If you don’t want this thing to happen, then it’s best to install WhatsApp Notifications on your Android phone. Afterwards, you have to download Firefox or Chrome extensions and don’t forget to link it to the app itself.
2. Have Messaging Statistics
If you want to see how active you are in WhatsApp including your friends and groups you are constantly contacting with, you can certainly see the information presented in metrics or in statistical way. You just have to download the WhatStat on your phone.
1. Take Advantage of the WhatsApp Chat Heads
If you want to get notified easily when there are messages on your WhatsApp just like on that of Facebook Messenger, taking advantage of the WhatsApp Chat Heads is a good decision. What you need to do is install the WhatsApp Chat Heads on your phone.
These are the 10 new WhatsApp tips and tricks users should know. If you’re just well-acquainted about these, there’s no way you cannot enjoy your WhatsApp to the highest extent.

Santosh Kumar is a Professional SEO and Blogger, With the help of this blog he is trying to share top 10 lists, facts, entertainment news from India and all around the world.