Dreams! Some people thought dreams are amazing and some thought that dreams are mysterious. For some people dreams are necessary and for some people dreams is the thinking of minds that they think the whole day. Whatever people think about the dreams, it still remains the debatable topics.
Some people dream in order to sleep and some people sleep in order to dream. But according to the scientists, dreams are the important part of the well- being and the health of the person. And according to some researches, dreams helps to tackle the day long stress and to revitalize the body and mind.
Whatever, scientists think or research, dreams always leave you numb and you have no idea about what you have dreamt of! But for your interest, here are 20 amazing facts about the dreams that you may don’t know:
20. Dream Incorporation
Another interesting fact about dreaming is the dream incorporation that means people often relating the things that are actually happening at the while they are sleeping to their dreams. Like an instrument is playing in the house and one who is sleeping is dreaming like he is attending a concert.
19. Number of dreams
You can have multiple dreams per night. As many as 7 dreams, you can have in a single night. But that really depends on the number of your REM cycles. And a person dream averagely an hour or a two in a single night.
18. Dreaming Emotions
According to studies made on dreams, three types of emotions are mostly felt while in dreaming and that are anger, fear and sadness. Dreams tend to be more negative ones than the positive ones and this usually where the nightmares come from.
17. Animals Dream Too
another amazing fact that you probably not know about dreaming is that these are not only the humans who dream butanimals are also the ones who dream. Have you ever watched your pet twitching their paws while sleeping? That means they are also dreaming creatures.
16. You can control your dreams
You can control your dreams while you are in the lucid phase of dreaming. This is the interesting and good part of dream that you can manipulate, twist and turn your dreams.
15. You dream about the people whom you had met
You always dream about the person whom you have encountered once in a life.
14. Entry Level
Toddlers dream too but they don’t see them in their own dreams till the age of 3 to 4 years.
13. Increased Brain Activity
While you are dreaming, your brain will do twice more activity as compared to when you are awake.
12. Sleepwalkers
Sleepwalking is a rare but very dangerous disorder that is associated with the dreams and people who see the adventurous dreams while sleeping are in the habit of sleepwalking.
11. Snorers don’t dream
It is the fact that the person who snores a lot don’t dream. If you are snoring then you cannot dream. So next time be careful while sleeping and don’t snore in order to have some interesting dream.
10. Memory Limit
You can only remember 10 percent of your dream and that is also forgotten in just about 10 minutes.
9. Tenure of dreaming
An average person dream almost 6 years of dreaming in his whole life.
8. Blind also dream
People who became blind after their birth in an accident can also dream. Besides these, the ones who are born blind can dream vividly with their other senses like smell, sound and touch. This means eyes don’t matter in dreaming.
7. People often follow their dreams
Some people are found in the world who has reported to dream and then that actually happens in their lives.
6. Not everyone dreams in color
One of the interesting facts about dreaming is that not all the persons dreams in colors and not everyone dreams in black and white. Almost 12 percent of the total people watch dreams in black and white just because they grew up watching the black and white TV while others dream in exclusively colors.
5. Inventions inspired by the dreams
Many inventions in our present age are the results of the inspirations followed by dreams.
4. You can’t Dream while reading
If you are dreaming then you won’t be able to read. So if you want to know if you are wondering or not, try to read something.
3. You can’t tell time
The same trick goes for clock. You cannot tell time while you are dreaming.
2. Gender Difference
Men and women dream differently. Yes, it is an interesting fact that there is the gender discrimination in the dreaming also. It is studied fact that men often dream about the other men whom they already know and on the other hand, women dream about sexual themes and fantasies. It is also recorded that men often got the aggressive dreams as compared to women.
1. Déjà vu
It is a French Phrase that means seen before or already seen. It is a studied fact in a survey that almost 18-38% people experience future sight in their dreams while they are asleep. And according to the survey, almost 70 percent of the people experience the déjà vu.

Santosh Kumar is a Professional SEO and Blogger, With the help of this blog he is trying to share top 10 lists, facts, entertainment news from India and all around the world.