The Bal Bharti Public School has started in 1984 by child educational society in Rohini and it is co-education school where both girls and boys take admission. This school is affiliated with the CBSE board and has the best education quality for all the students.
They have experienced staff of teachers who will distribute some knowledge to students for success in career. In the school area, students will get all the facilities of testing labs, smart classes, swimming pools etc.
Admission procedure
- Application forms for admission are available at school office as well as the official website
- For the admission in LKG, the kid must have a minimum age of 3-4 year
- During the process of admissions, it is mandatory to fill and submit the application form with all required documents before the last submission date
- For the admissions in higher classes, there will be an entrance test of new students
If you want to get any kind of additional information all details about the admission process, required documents or eligibility criteria, you can visit the official website.
Fee structure
To know about all the details of the fee structure you will come to the office and collect all the information. If you can’t come to school then you can visit the school official website
There are many facilities that you can see in the school campus like spacious classrooms, and it is beneficial for the students. They will provide a library facility to students and it will be finest for them to increase learning power. Students can take transportation facility of school and they can make happy parents with a safe zone for students. In the school campus, they will encourage the sports spirit and develop sports techniques in students.
School address
Bal Bharati Public School,
Sector-14, Rohini, N.D. – 110085
Telephone- 011-27554561/ 62/ 63
E-mail Id–,
Santosh Kumar is a Professional SEO and Blogger, With the help of this blog he is trying to share top 10 lists, facts, entertainment news from India and all around the world.