The advancements in technologies have brought a lot of new inventions in the world of grooming; epilators are one of them. The trend of epilators is increasing day by day. Removing the hair using an epilator is much more easy and fast as compared to waxing. The process of waxing includes a number of steps, and hence a greater amount of time is consumed. While using the Epilator doesn’t consume much time. Now, the question arises ‘is an epilator better than waxing?’ Let us find out below.
What is, are epilators?
Epilators are electrical devices that consist of a series of tiny tweezers. These Modern Epilators remove the hair by pulling or plucking the hair follicles. Epilators can be used at any time and could be taken anywhere. Epilators do not need any special preparations before using them. However, experts suggest exfoliating the skin before using the epilators.
What is waxing?
Waxing is a procedure for removing unwanted hair. It is done by applying the hard or soft wax and then employing the strip; as soon as the strip is pulled out, the hair gets ripped out. The process of waxing has some additional benefits such as exfoliation of the skin.
How effective is epilating and waxing?
The process of epilating is simple and quick. Epilators have the advantage of being taken anywhere inside the bag. No matter where the person is, she can always use an epilator and remove the hair in no time. The effects of epilating last for a decent time. No matter how long or short the hair are, epilating can be done at any time.
On the other hand, waxing is quite a lengthy process. The process of waxing makes the skin smooth; it can be used to take the toughest of hair away. The effects of waxing do not last for a longer time. Also, unlike epilating, the process of waxing requires the hair to be at least 1/8 inch long to achieve removal in an appropriate way. Hence, wax users need to wait before waxing their hair.
Which method is better for thick hair?
Both the epilating and waxing are good for removing thick hair. However, it is believed that the process of waxing tends to offer less painful and faster experience with thick hair.
Which method is better for sensitive skin?
For people who have sensitive skin, it is not easy to search the kind of wax which doesn’t cause irritation. If you have extremely sensitive skin, then we would suggest you consult skin experts before deciding anything. Most salons prefer doing a patch test of customers with sensitive skin to make sure if the wax suits or not.
In our opinion, epilating is a better option for people who have sensitive skin. Epilating doesn’t require applying any kind of formula onto the skin directly. Moreover, most of the epilators these days come along with hypoallergenic ceramic disk, which is meant to protect sensitive skin.
Therefore, if you have over-sensitive skin, then always prefer using epilators instead of waxing.
That’s pretty much all about epilators and waxing.

Santosh Kumar is a Professional SEO and Blogger, With the help of this blog he is trying to share top 10 lists, facts, entertainment news from India and all around the world.