An animated television series called Baahubali: The Lost Legends debuted on Amazon Prime Video in April 2017. The show is set in a chronological sequence that begins after the events of the first movie, Battle of the Bold, and ends prior to the battle involving the Kalakeya tribe. As they protect Mahishmati from the forces of evil, the series centers on Amarendra Baahubali and Bhallaladeva as young people and their life before to the films. In addition to a large cast of new characters, the series features several movie characters including Bijalladeva, Sivagami, and Kattappa.
Baahubali Cartoon Main Characters
Amarendra Baahubali
The honorable and empathetic son of King Vikramadeva. When he was a young adult, Sivagami took him in when his parents passed away around the time of his birth. Because of his generosity and optimism, he was adored by everyone, which made his brother Bhallaladeva and Lord Bijjaladeva envious.
Unlike Baahubali, Shivagami’s biological son Bhallaladeva is avariciously fixated on power and domination. He is quite adept at masking this characteristic, and he frequently hatches plans to assassinate his adopted brother to seize control of the kingdom. He is an unparalleled physical fighter who uses a mace in combat.
the Mahishmati queen, who was formerly a subject and later gained a place in the royal dynasty. She had an arranged marriage with Lord Bijjaladeva and is good friends with Kattappa. She is greatly undervalued in terms of her power and has been targeted because she is a woman. She may not be the strongest, but she is assertive and capable of holding her own in a fight.
The insane prince of Mahishmati, Bijjaladeva is the elder brother of Vikramadeva and the spouse of Sivagami. He is an aging, grumpy man with a malformed hand and a hateful, haughty mindset. Because of this, he was never made king, not even in the reign of Sivagami. He will stop at nothing to elevate his son Bhallaladeva and to bring Baahubali’s prestige down.
Along with Sivagami, Devasena is the main female character in the Baahubali film series. Devasena, princess of Kuntala Kingdom, is an excellent archer and fighter. She is visited by Amarendra Baahubali, who falls in love with her. Devasena’s feelings for him are reciprocated. She is fearless, confident, and has a strong sense of self-worth. She has put a lot of work into her martial arts abilities. Baahubali is married to Devasena.
Kattappa is the most recent in a long line of warriors who served as Mahishmati’s royal servants. Serving the royal family as Bijjaladeva’s right hand, he is Amarendra and Bhalla’s benevolent uncle. He is a fierce, strong, and committed warrior who has persevered through battles and injuries that most fighters would eventually succumb to.
Avanthika is a member of the rebel organization and a talented fighter. She subsequently welcomes Mahendra Baahubali after learning that he ascended the waterfall mountain specifically for her. Mahendra Baahubali falls in love with her. Her life as a guerilla fighter is dedicated to rescuing Devasena from Bhallaladeva’s captivity at Mahishmati.
Sanga is a tribal woman. Being the chieftain’s wife and having a strong status in her tribe, she is the alpha female. When the villagers see Mahendra Baahubali in the water that Sivagami is holding, they adopt him as their own. Sanga adopts him as her son.
Other Characters
- Pradhan Guru
- Avinash
- Vaara
- Yamagni
- Sujata
- Dharmraj
- Zoraver
- Mahabali
- Kalpana Devi
- Paramhans
All in all the show sparks interest to children to the fictional historical legend.
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