The child development society has started this school in the area of Solan Himmachal Pradesh to provide better education at affordable fee. This school is affiliated to CBSE. The primary vision of this school is to develop the mental and physical fitness of their students. This trust is a global name in the world of education in India today. The better teaching staff of this school is the main reason behind its success and remarkable name. This school will try to boost the human and social qualities in their students.
Facilities at this school
The learning surroundings of this school are extremely protected when you want to verify security of your child. Every month, this school will do several educational and festival based events and tours. At this school, all the students will be able to acquire knowledge based learning ways and education by using smarter devices. The library and seminar hall of this school are decorated with essential and advanced services.
Admission procedure
- The online registration will be available
- The process of admission will be under the rules of admission
- Prospects and other admission forms are available at the admission office of this school
- You have to fill online apply section on their official website correctly
- Incorrect filled application forms are liable for rejection
- Whole admission process will be under the surveillance of principal
By following these steps, you can easily take the admission in this school without any hesitation.
Fee structure
For collecting information about fee layout, the parents can call the admission cell during the school time. There, they will be able to gather correct information about fee system according to different classes.
Santosh Kumar is a Professional SEO and Blogger, With the help of this blog he is trying to share top 10 lists, facts, entertainment news from India and all around the world.