Studying is something that all of us have been doing since a very young age. We have passed schools, colleges, and universities but the government jobs exams are a different thing from all the exams anyone has faced before. There is no particular syllabus that one can follow with ease and no suggestions on the questions about to come. But there is nothing to fret as with a calm and relaxed mind you can move mountains. The following five tips are sure to come in handy in the days leading up to the exams.
Prepare shorter duration timetables: It is very helpful if you have a timetable in place for studying. But make sure that you set the time for studying each subject for not more than thirty minutes to one hour. The brain works more effectively in memorizing the information when it works for a short duration. Hence, the one-hour study works far better than stretching it continuously for six hours.
Choose your best time: Everyone has a certain best time when they have the height of concentration and can memorize more. For some people, it is early morning, and for some, it is in the evenings. Do not try to overwork or goad your brain into studying when you are sleepy. You can sit for hour sat a stretch in a sleepy state with books and ultimately it will be fruitless.
The Ivan Pavlov formula: We have all read about the Ivan Pavlov experiment in school where a dog started to salivate as soon his dinner time approached. You can work this into your study schedule as well. If you read the same subjects at a particular time, your brain will be trained such that as soon as that time approaches you will get into the mood for studying. You will see you are concentrating much better than before. This makes the trick most useful for the competitive exams.
Maintain a variety of subjects:Preparing for the competitive exams is a long process which will feel tiresome if you set up the same kind of subjects one after another for studying. Set the routine such that the similar subjects are not kept one after another. For instance, place history between mathematics and physics and you will see that your brain is absorbing all the three subjects much better.
Take breaks: Competitive exams might feel like a never-ending list of things that you need to study. It is easy to stress and feel like not leaving the study table. But do not be tensed and take time to relax and refresh your mind. You can take small naps of 15 minutes between studying and listen to songs or go out in the fresh air to rejuvenate your thoughts.
The intense study sessions for the most important exams in your life will hopefully become easier with the following tips. And once you ace your exams and get placed in a good rank in office, surely pass on the tips to other aspirants.

Santosh Kumar is a Professional SEO and Blogger, With the help of this blog he is trying to share top 10 lists, facts, entertainment news from India and all around the world.