Hungama TV is presently airing the Indian animated television series Chacha Bhatija. It centers on an uncle and his nephew, Chacha (Bhatija’s uncle) and Bhatija (Chacha’s nephew), who work together as a detective team to solve mysteries in the made-up town of Funtoosh Nagar. They enlist the aid of pals, including Bandookni, a police officer, Bhalla, and scientist and inventor Khoji Singh. Bhatija symbolizes the group’s intellect, while Chacha is its humor and strength. The show depends on the Diamond Comics comics of the same name. Anil Datt plays Btijaja in the series, while Swapnil Kumari plays Chacha.
The novel is set in the fictitious Indian city of Funtoosh City, which is plagued by daily crimes and misfortunes including bank robberies and sandal theft. However, Chacha and Bhatija, two investigators, are assigned to solve the case and have a little adventure in between.
Chacha Bhatija Cartoon Main Characters
Chacha (Balwant Singh) – He is a thirty-five-year-old man who is Bhatija’s uncle and the show’s primary character. He frequently appears attempting to escape awkward circumstances while sporting a red hat and blue clothing.
Bhatija (James Singh) -James Singh’s character Bhatija, a 9-year-old boy who is Chacha’s nephew, is the show’s main character. He is perceived as being fairly educated and fond of lollipops. He sports a red fedora and a red shirt with a yellow tie.
Officer Bandookniji Singh– She’s a 29-year-old Funtooshnagar chief officer, is a supporter of Chacha Bhatija. Her accent is Punjabi.
Don Jogawar – He is a 28-year-old man regarded as the largest crook in Funtooshnagar and has a plethora of goons with him.
Danka and Dholki – The two most well-known goons of Don Jogawar, Danka and Dholki, are both 24 years old. They assist him in his crimes in Funtooshnagar.
Rosy Bike – Don Jogawar’s robotic bike, named Rosy Bike.
Bhalla Singh – Bhalla Singh is a 38-year-old businessman who occasionally displays excessive cowardice and stinginess.
Recurring Characters
- Doctor Khoji Singhji – He is a scientist and doctor who, with little effort, can create incredible creations.
- Hawaldar Singh -Hawaldar Singh is an officer at Funtooshnagar who is twenty-four years old.
- Mimicry Bhai -Mimicry Bhai is a twenty-one-year-old film star and skilled chef.
Some interesting facts about the show
- The writer of the “Secret Agent 005-Junior James Bond” comic book published by Chitra Bharati Kathamala, Sukhwant Kalsi, is the brains behind the show.
- There have been a lot of jokes in this episode thus far, such as the animation that occasionally cuts across the camera and the changing backgrounds.
- Every character in the program has a theme song, such as Bhatija, Bandhookni, and Parminder.
- All of the antagonistic characters in the program make an appearance in each episode, with the exception of Petrol Chor and Balloon Chor, who only do so once.
- Bittu refers to Bhatija as James, using his name from the vintage comic book.
The characters in the show pace up the show and have fun along with learning for the kids. All in all the show Chacha Bhatija is a wonderful cartoon show liked by children with fun and adventure filled episodes.
Santosh Kumar is a Professional SEO and Blogger, With the help of this blog he is trying to share top 10 lists, facts, entertainment news from India and all around the world.