The government is injecting in a lot of funds to digitalize the records. From the Transport offices to the Revenue Department, each and every department is trying to digitalize the records. The best part about the digitalization is that the people can search for these details through online medium which can certainly help in bringing a change in the complete process.
This is also true for Land records as most of the states have the records available online. Chhattisgarh is also included in this list. Today, we are going to share the process of checking the land records in Chhattisgarh through online medium so that you can check the details of the property before you purchase one.
भुइयां, छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य का भू-अभिलेख कंप्यूटरीकरण परियोजना है | इसके दो अंग भुइयां व भू-नक्शा हैं | जहाँ भुइयां खसरा व खाता संबधित जानकारी का संकलन है वहीँ भू-नक्शा खसरा नक़्शे से संबधित प्रबधन के लिए साधन है | नागरिक के लिए भुइयां के द्वारा संबधित खसरा (P-II) व खतौनी (B-I) देखने की सुविधा उपलब्ध कराई गयी है | भू-नक्शा के द्वारा किसी खसरे का नक़ल देखा जा सकता है |
Online Process
Step 1: So, to verify the details of the land records in Chhattisgarh, you can simply visit the website
Step 2: On this website, you can choose the desired service from the citizen services on the right side of the screen. Ideally, to check the property details, you need to click on the first option.
Step 3: You will now be prompted to enter the details of the District, Tehsil and Village. Enter the details and you will get an option to choose the search criteria.
Step 4: Choose the desired search criteria from the list and enter the search number. Once that is done, you can simply search for the details and get the details that you needed.
There are mainly four benefits of being able to check the details through online medium. The first and the foremost advantage of being able to check the details online is that this has actually eliminated the need to visit the district office to check the details. In addition to this, the process has helped in bringing more transparency in the process. Also, this has helped in cutting down on frauds in relation to the property related transactions. Lastly, people can check all the property related details online which is simply amazing.

Santosh Kumar is a Professional SEO and Blogger, With the help of this blog he is trying to share top 10 lists, facts, entertainment news from India and all around the world.