The most sought-after, respectable and eminent international honor is the Nobel Prize. The first Nobel Prize was awarded in the year 1901 in Stockholm, Sweden and in its 116 years of existence, it has recognized groups and individuals from almost all over the world. As many as 1000 Nobel Prize has been awarded till now. It was created as per the will of Alfred Nobel who invented dynamite and explosives but since it was a controversial matter, it took almost 6 years before this coveted award came into existence. As a matter of fact, in the will of Alfred Nobel, it was dictated that people who are recognized on any of the mentioned fields, will get the award from the interest of his estate fund. Though there is no reason as such for it, but it is believed that it is out of regret that Alfred created lethal weapons of destruction.
The Nobel Prize distinguishes and identifies the noteworthy contributions to the progression and advancement of science, academics and culture. These Nobel Prize Winners or Nobel Laureates can be individuals or group of Individuals. The first Nobel Prize was awarded to Marie Curie who was a Polish-born and naturalized-French chemist and physicist who is very famous for her effort on radiation. International Committee of Red Cross has received the maximum number of recognitions including thee Peace Prizes in the history.
Let us find out top 10 countries with the most Nobel Prize winners in the world:
10. Austria – 21
The country ranking on the 10th slot is Austria with 21 Nobel Prize Winners. Most significant winner had been International Atomic Energy Agency got the Nobel Peace Prize in the year 2005. Austria has made a significant contribution to the field of Physiology, Physics and Chemistry. Very little contribution has been made in the field of Peace, Literature and Economics. Netherlands also has the same count of Nobel Prize Winners.
9. Canada – 25
At Number 9, we have Canada which has the maximum number of Nobel Prize winners in the field of Chemistry, followed by Physics, Physiology and Economics. So far only Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs have got a Nobel Prize in the field of Peace. It was in the year 1995. The most recent Nobel Prize award that Canada got honored with was to Arthur B. McDonald in the year 2015 in the field of Physics.
8. Russia – 26
With 26 awards in the kitty, Russia ranks at number 8 in the list of top 10 countries with the most Nobel Prize winners in the world. With the most Nobel Prize winners from the field of Physics and Literature and Peace, Economics and Physiology are also less dominant. Only one Nobel Prize winner – Ilya Prigogine – got honored for the contribution in the field of Chemistry. Andre Geim got the Nobel Prize in the year 2010 for his significant contribution in the field of Physics.
7. Japan – 26
Kazuo Ishiguro was honored with the Nobel Prize in the year 2017 for his contributions in the field of Literature. But the most dominant Nobel Prize Winners are from the domains of Physics, Chemistry and Physiology. The least dominant Nobel Prize Winners are from the domains of Literature and Peace. There is, however, no Nobel Prize Winner from the field of economics.
6. Switzerland – 26
In 2017, Jacques Dubochet was honored with the Nobel Prize in the field of Chemistry. Physiology, Physics and Chemistry are the more dominant fields of the Nobel Prize Winners. However, Nobel Prize winners in the fields of Peace and Literature are the least dominant. There are no winners in the field of Economics.
5. Sweden – 31
Sweden has the best minds of the world as the Nobel Prize Winners in Sweden are from the field of literature, science, economics and above all peace. Selma Lagerl of was the first women in the history of Sweden to win a Nobel Prize in the field of Literature. Literature, Physiology, Peace and Chemistry are the more dominant fields of the Nobel Prize Winners. However, Nobel Prize winners in the fields of Economics and Physics are the least dominant.
4. France – 68
With the highest number of Nobel Prize Winners in the field of Literature is France on the number 4. The most notable Nobel Prize winner being Marie Curie for her contributions in the field of Chemistry. Literature, Physics and Medicine are the three more dominant fields of the Nobel Prize Winners. However, Nobel Prize winners in the fields of Peace, Chemistry and Economics are the least dominant.
3. Germany – 107
The Most notable Nobel Prize winner was Albert Einstein for his contribution to the world of physics. Number 3 on the list we have Germany which has the maximum Nobel Prize winners in the field of Chemistry and Physics. The other two being Physiology and Literature has lesser number of award holders but the interesting fact is that the Nobel Prize winners in the field of Economics and Peace are very less.
2. United Kingdom – 128
Number 2 on the list is United Kingdom which has 128 Nobel Prize winners and mostly in the field of Physiology or medicine and Chemistry. The most noteworthy Nobel Prize winner was Sir Alexander Fleming who won the Nobel Prize after he discovered penicillinaccidently. Other important fields include Physics, Literature and Peace and it is very noteworthy that UK doesn’t have many winners in the field of Economics.
1. United States – 371
The list of Top 10 Countries with most Nobel Prize Winners in the World is dominated by the United States. Most of the Nobel Prize winners are from the field of medicine or physiology. The US has always been steps ahead from the rest of the world in terms of technology and due to which the higher number of Nobel Prize Winners in the field of Physics and Chemistry. Economics and Peace are two more fields in which US has been honored with Nobel Prize. As a matter of fact, US is the only country which doesn’t lead the Nobel Prize race for the field of Literature.
It is a matter of great pride and honor that a country or an individual gets awarded with the Nobel Prize. Mostly people who have made remarkable contributions to the field of Chemistry, Physics, Medicine, Literature and Peace, get rewarded with this prize. The most renowned winners of Nobel Prize are Nelson Mandela, HH Dalai Lama, Albert Einstein and the most recent being the Malala Yousafzai and Michael W. Young. In the list of top 10 countries with the most Nobel Prize winners in the world, Western Countries are dominating as these are the countries which have great political powers and influence over the world.

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