This school is located in the foothills of The Shivalik Range and the atmosphere around the school is pollution-free. This is an English medium school which is affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi. The school offers classes from Prep. Junior to Class 12th(Science, Commerce,and Humanities). The number of students in the school is increasing every year because of the facilities and education level of the school.
Now, more than 5k students are studying in this school.
Admission Procedure
- The admission procedure is quite simple as the parents can get the admission form from the school’s website or they can also visit the school’s administrative office.
- After getting the form, the parents can fill the form with all correct details and then the form is needed to be submitted along with the necessary documents.
- The last and final decision of the admission will be in the hands of the principal of the school. For more details regarding the admission procedure, the parents can visit the website
Fee Structure
The parents who want to check the fee structure of the school can choose to visit the school’s office for detailed structure.
The school has not only one library but there are total three libraries in the school which are fully stocked with the books. There are three modern computer laboratories in the school and separated science laboratories for all the wings of the school. There are two activity halls in the school where the students can perform various activities. In this school, there is also skating rink where the students can learn to skate. The horse-riding activities are also done in the school with full security.
School Address
Delhi Public School, Ranipur
Sector III, BHEL
Phone Number: 01334-231364, 284505, 4505
Email Id:,
Santosh Kumar is a Professional SEO and Blogger, With the help of this blog he is trying to share top 10 lists, facts, entertainment news from India and all around the world.