Gold is considered as the valuable asset and that is the reason why many people invest in the Gold coins or bars. It is the popular choice of the investors since the discovery of gold. But there are many other things that make the gold a fascinating metal besides of being valuable.
Here is the list of 15 most fascinating and the interesting facts about gold that you have not known till today. So here is the list read and enjoy!
15. World’s largest bar
One of the most interesting facts about gold is that, the largest bar of gold that ever existed in the world weighs about 250 kg that was almost 551 ponds. This bar of gold was found near Moliagul in Central Victoria, Australia, in the year of 1869.
14. Largest producers
Gold, being the one of the most reliable and the beautiful ornamental metal has three largest producers throughout the world. Those producers include China, United States and Australia.
13. Biggest Consumer
Another interesting fact about gold is that, the largest consumer of this ornamental metal, gold is likely the country of India in the year of 2015 regaining its position from China because gold is most imported in India according to the World Gold Council in the year of 2014.
12. Gold is edible
Yes, you have heard it right. Since 24 –karat gold is soft and fragile, it is most edible. Whether you are eating the gold leaves or flakes, all have some taste of silver which is inert. Sometimes, edible gold can be harmful for the human beings as it can be toxic due to the presence of copper.
11. Discovery
It is a common fact that Gold is discovered since the ancient times. But the unknown one is that Gold is discovered on every 7 continents of the Earth. Means, it is available in every continent including Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia and even in Antarctica.
10. Human body contains Gold
Yes, it is one of the most interesting facts of Gold. The human body has some composition of Gold and mostly it is present in blood. While it is not the main ingredient but it can be found knocking inside our body. An average 70 kg human being consists of almost 0.229 mf of gold.
9. Earthquakes turn water into gold
According to the claim of new study, those Earthquakes turn the water into gold. This was proved through the model that water in faults vaporizes during the earthquake depositing gold. The mechanism behind this fact is that when earthquake strikes, the cracks in the Earth appears and water filled inside the cracks pushing gold out of it.
8. Gold grows on eucalyptus Tree
Yes, one of the interesting facts about gold is that it grows in Eucalyptus. Geoscientists discovered that the gold particles are present in the leaves, twigs and barks of Eucalyptus which could revolutionize the mines of Gold.
7. PC and Gold
It is probably a known fact that some knocking amount of gold is used in the chips of personal computers. But in this regard, an unknown fact is that more gold is re- obtained from the ton of PC as compared to gold obtained from 17 tons of gold ores.
6. Olympic Gold Medal
Another fact about gold is, gold Medals of Olympic consists of only 1.37 percent of gold and other is made from other metals. It must be called as the Metal Medal not a gold medal.
5. Olympic Swimming pools
Have you imagined how much gold have mined in the world ever since its discovery? The answer to this question is that all the gold that has mined since its discovery could behold in three Olympic swimming pools.
4. Sun also have Gold
Sun is composed of many gases and metals. So it is also composed of some trace of gold. According to research, Six ten-billionths of the Sun is gold.
3. Wastage of Gold
By wearing a wedding ring, almost 6 milligrams of gold annually is lost only by wearing it.
2. Gold in Oceans
According to the research, oceans of the world contain nearly 20 million tons of gold that is really enough to fulfill the basic gold requirements of the world.
1. Fear of Gold
There exists the phobia of gold that is called as the Aurophobia. This fear is mainly triggered when the person suffering from it sees gold.

Santosh Kumar is a Professional SEO and Blogger, With the help of this blog he is trying to share top 10 lists, facts, entertainment news from India and all around the world.