People with thin bodies, who no matter eat whatever, are never able to put on some pounds. But eating anything does not help in the gain weight. It is as difficult as losing weight. There are many people who have extremely thin body and they wish to have bodies with proper shapes and curves. There are many ways to gain some weight, but it is always better to gain weight naturally. There are various reasons for a person being underweight, so it is very important to consult your doctor, before taking anything or doing anything to gain weight.
It is always important to gain weight normally that is 500 kcal a day, and also eating more calories in the day and maintaining them. Mentioned below is a list of few things that you can follow for a month to gain weight and if you follow it religiously,you will see a change in your body and you will love to see increased weight on your weighing machine. Few Tips on How to gain weight naturally in one Month:
10. Exercise
It is very important o exercise when you want to gain weight, and then eat accordingly. Never eat less than needed and have healthy food that is rich in protein and nutrition. Exercise for the beginners who want to gain weight: Do squats, Pull-ups, overhead presses, bench press and deadlifts as these exercises will help you built your muscles and will make your body strong physically.
9. Lift Weights in the gym when you are working out
It is advisable to gain some muscular weight before doing anything. If you have strong muscles, then you can get the desired physique you want and your weight gaining process will be proper.
8. Diet to gain weight
Apart from eating the normal food, you can also take diet supplements like protein shakes, which are available in the market and these products will help you in your weight gain process and will also make your work easy.
7. Stop Eating in between the meals
It is very important to avoid eating in between the meals when you are in the process to gain weight. And include starchy foods in your diet like potatoes.
6. Avoid Eating Junk Food
It never helps in gaining weight and even of it does it will just make your body fat by flesh and not by muscles. So avoid eating junk when you are planning to gain weight.
5. Eat Green Leafy Vegetables and Meat
If you are veggy, then go for green leafy vegetables as they are rich in vitamin and iron and will help your body gain weight appropriate. And if you are non-vegetarian then include meat in your diet. It is healthy and is good for your overall body and physique.
4. Eat Healthy fats
By that we mean, include white products in your diet. Like milk, eggs, curd, coconut, ghee in your diet. All these fats are good for your body and will help in the growth of your muscles. These fats should be included in your diet and should be eaten regularly.
3. Have food rich in Proteins
Along with eating white products, you must also intake proteins in your diets like pulses. They increase your overall strength and will help in gaining weight.
2. Include lots of fruits in your diet
they are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and calcium; hence you must include it in your diet.
1. Aim to gain healthy weight
avoid sitting in front of the TV while eating, take proper sleep, avoid eating junk food, avoid drinking when you are in the process of gain weight.
Here is a simple meal plan that you follow, when you are in the process of gaining weight, Apart from the above-mentioned tips
3-4 Rotis, one bowl of vegetables, one bowl of curd or paneer (if you are a vegetarian), one serving of non-veg (if you are one), one bowl of rice/grilled chicken, and salad.
Evening Snack
You can have a plate full of fruits, or you can also go for a sandwich sometimes when you don’t feel like fruits or banana milkshake or any other fruit milkshake whatever you like.
Include everything as in the lunch, but in dinner avoid eating rice. You can also have grilled chicken with Toast, baked fish with some potatoes
Before Sleeping
Have one glass of warm milk. It is very good for your health and it will also help you in getting a peaceful sleep.

Santosh Kumar is a Professional SEO and Blogger, With the help of this blog he is trying to share top 10 lists, facts, entertainment news from India and all around the world.