As a parent or educator for students belonging to the primary classes, it becomes more important to spend more time and engage with an individual student’s academic ongoing practices, where they are already doing classes online for a long time. The engagement and more participation from the parent’s side will make things work smoothly for students like they will not have to go to any person for any assistance towards academics. Students sometimes also feel not so confident about the decisions they make for themselves initially, especially when they are in primary classes. Online education and e-learning tools like ERP, Enterprise resource planning, and others are more known to the parents than these students.
Under Parent’s guardianship, it will be easy for the students to understand online networks, classes conducted and another easy and safe browsing on the Internet for any information concerned.
A parent’s role or an Educator’s role is here tested. They have to ensure that their kids or students are safely browsing the Internet and that LMS logins can be done appropriately at the portals required for their academic knowledge.
Browse Safe Online
One of the many things that parents need to check out is that their children are doing safe browsing over the Internet. Internet, if used correctly, is a boon, but when misused, it can create many problems or prove to be harmful to students. Only a parent or an educator can make students understand the privacy and safety issues of these students who have been given access to the Internet.
Parents can warn or help students understand the Internet better by talking to them about the safety or privacy issues they might encounter. They can also consider making them understand the consequences of the use. Students need to know about different cyber security norms and how effective a password should be to log in every time a portal is accessed safely.
However, Cyber Security is tough to understand, but the basics should be discussed or discussed with students operating the Internet. Sometimes accounts on social media attract students who, from the intention to increase their friends’ circle, make their personal information also public, which is something a parent should make the student understand refraining from.
Digital Literacy is a Must
For helping students out with the resources and other stuff essential for them to understand the Internet and the sites, they would get the academic things from. They should also be aware of potentially harmful pages from which information should not be gathered. Therefore, they have to be digitally literate to operate the Internet and services effectively.
The Usage of Social media for the transfer of academic information or resources has to be encouraged among teenagers who mostly spend their time chatting with their friends about not very useful things.
A conversation has to be constructed between an educator and a student or between parent and their kids to share social media’s positive and negative impacts.
A more common thing these days is Cyberbullying, and thus, a student should be made use of the different forms in which cyberbullying operates. Adults can stop this by making them engage with the social life of students and act responsively and respectively on the web.
Mindful Virtual communication must be encouraged. No matter how young a student is, they can be taught to be safe and be a little more careful when operating online. However, it can only be done when active participation from both the educators at school and parents at home.
With the changing world, it is imminent that the revolution that will lead us further will be the online era. Therefore, it is time now to make things clear for the students and help them build a safe profile on the Internet. Students need to stay away from bullying and all the harmful pages which could potentially damage one’s privacy and security.

Santosh Kumar is a Professional SEO and Blogger, With the help of this blog he is trying to share top 10 lists, facts, entertainment news from India and all around the world.