Do you want to know the secret to a high IELTS score? If so, listen up!
One of the most important things for a high IELTS score is to use the Lexical resources efficiently. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why it’s important.
For test-takers to crack the IELTS Writing tasks, they need to meet the minimum word count requirements, and ensure proper grammar and spelling; thus, they need to tap into lexical resources.
Lexical Resources mean using words in a meaningful way, and it can be challenging to generate new vocabulary for any thought, but with practice comes proficiency! The more unique or appropriate words you add into conversation or writing tasks, the more it’ll help improve your scores.
Importance of Lexical Resources
Lexical Resources hold nearly 25% of the weightage in the test – IELTS Writing and IELTS Speaking tests. The better words a candidate uses, the better are their chances of scoring high. The only necessary work left is that students take note of fancy or better-used words rather than use plain simple language.
For example: Let us use the above-written line:
Sentence: The only necessary work left is that students take a note of fancy or better-used words
Changes: It is vital for a candidate to introduce impressive and significant vocabulary in their test.
What All is needed for improving Lexical Resources?
Widen Your Vocabulary
Use the most appropriate vocabulary to make a good impression on examiners. Avoid overusing common nouns, verbs, and adjectives; also avoid repeating basic words in one sentence that can be replaced with advanced synonyms for better results when given an opportunity. This will enhance a candidate’s task presentation and ultimately, help them score better.
For instance:
Common Word | Replacement |
I will carry out this project | I will execute this project |
I am very angry at my children | I am furious at my children |
According to a new update | According to a recent update |
Today was a meaningful day | Today was a significant day |
Her body became weak after the illness | Her body became fragile after the illness |
Try a Better Approach in the IELTS Writing Test
Remember, it’s always a bad idea to copy words directly from the task. Candidates who follow this practice, always leave a bad impression on their examiners and get low band scores. We advise you not to do this at any cost! It might be beneficial for candidates to improve their paraphrasing skills, set of synonyms, or substitute certain phrases if necessary. Remember, this test will determine a candidate’s score and will impact their file, it is of utmost importance that you leave a good impression.
For instance: Many people use mobile phones these days.
Paraphrase: Nowadays, the use of mobile phones in the younger generation has rapidly grown.
Be 100% Sure Before Using a Synonym
When in doubt, don’t use a synonym. Paraphrasing can be tricky and often gives different meanings than what was intended. This is why you shouldn’t rely on them too heavily. If there are any doubts as to whether the word would enhance your writing, try keeping the same word itself instead! Do not experiment if you are unsure!
There are many different words with similar meanings, but it doesn’t mean another substitute will showcase the same meaning of the text. Be careful about this; some strong terminology might change the context which could confuse the examiners.
Collocation is Important
Collocation is the best way to show off your command over a language. It makes you sound less rehearsed and more natural when using advanced vocabulary, which everyone knows can be tricky!
For example: The proper use of ‘take’
Proper Use: Let us take a vacation
Improper Use: Let us make a vacation
The difference between the two sentences is important to understand. Collocation with words in a sentence makes it more relevant than just one word or phrase would be on their own. All you need to do is practice!
Industry-Specific Vocabulary
Learning new vocabulary can be tough, but it’s worth the effort. There is an amazing range of vocabulary that you can work upon! There are so many words that are related to different topics. When you’re learning a new subject, it’s important not only to know the basic definitions but also specific topic-related jargon like “industry terms” or “field names.”
For example:
If the topic is about a formal meeting and you want to use terms related to Business, use words such as:
Acquisition – An asset or object bought
Agenda – Purpose of the meeting or to plan and address activities
Appraise – Assess the value or quality of something
If the topic is about a discussion and you want to use terms related to Sports, use words such as:
Flexibility – The ability to bend easily without breaking
Nutrition – Work with specific nutrients for better development
Stamina – The ability to sustain physical or mental efforts
Points to Remember
Here are some helpful tips for easy and better preparation for the IELTS exam. Use them to ensure yourself higher scores! Don’t forget these quick points:
- Make a note of all your practice tests and note down at least 10 new words from them
- Use these words in the next practice test; this will help you remember them and frame a sentence in the coming practice test.
- Make sure you know the word’s synonym; if not, DO NOT USE IT!
- Try using industry-related words; it will leave a better impression
- Read loads of books and watch series for learning better words
One of the many aspects that are considered in the IELTS exam is vocabulary or lexical resources –which revolves around how well you use words and language. It’s quite common for people to have difficulty using new words because it can be tricky enough just trying to come up with a word at all! But if you practice more, your skills will improve over time so don’t be discouraged by starting slow.
If you need any help finding a vocabulary bank or anything in general, do let us know!
All the Best!!
Author Bio:
KRINA PATEL- Project Manager at
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