While fun, simple, and with a healthy dose of challenge, an online version of rummy does have a distinct aura attached to it. But the game is not a fad, as it has been an integral part of our tradition since time immemorial. A game of rummy is not only about entertainment but also a way to earn some quick bucks. According to estimates, the Indian rummy market will be around $1.40 billion in the coming few years. There is no doubt that the game will be a handy source of part-time income for many people.
If you are looking to play rummy, you need a relevant platform to showcase your skills. Any platform that you choose should offer various variations associated with the game. Rummy has an interesting history and there are numerous things that you may not be aware of. Before you play rummy, let us understand it in detail.
- Rummy has a Spanish origin as it is estimated that it had its origin in China or Mexico in the early part of the 19th century. In earlier times, the game was played with a 40-card Spanish deck.
- Are you aware of the fact that rummy does help people to create path-breaking records? If you pay attention to theories, a game crossed the victory margin of 500 points.
- Playing rummy is a great way to enhance your multi-tasking skills as you gain the reflex of accomplishing various tasks. The players have to arrange the cards in a logical order. You have to figure out who your opponents are and what their next moves will be. For rummy games, observation is an important skill, as this will help you excel in this game.
- Negative and positive categories will emerge if you play online rummy. Rummy players broadly divide the game into a couple of categories: the positive and the negative ones. In the positive games, melds are the points, whereas in the negative games, melds, along with deadwood, are not going to fetch you any points. With a negative rummy, you will only get negative points, and the objective of a player is to acquire the maximum number of negative points.
- There are around 60 variations of this game. Though this game has emerged in the Indian context for a long time, there are numerous versions. Each one of them does have their own terms along with conditions, making it engaging and fun. You may go on to choose the game based on your preferences.
To conclude playing rummy has numerous benefits and one of them is to become part of the community. You can make new friends, pick up a few tips and remain connected in this virtual world.
You need to download the game and be part of the game without any legal hassles. The only question is if you are looking to play this game you need to opt for a secure and a reliable platform.

Santosh Kumar is a Professional SEO and Blogger, With the help of this blog he is trying to share top 10 lists, facts, entertainment news from India and all around the world.