Yes, car wrapping is legal in India, but it isn’t like you can put any wrap on your car and you’ll be good to go. It doesn’t work like that. There are specific rules that you must follow if you really want to go down this path to use car wrap.
What Is Car Wrapping?
The car wrapping process involves a thin vinyl piece that makes your vehicle change its look, simple as that. You can have it done in a wide variety of colors, textures, or designs, so you will definitely be able to give your car that fresh, new look while on the other hand, you could be sure that you won’t be making any permanent changes, you know? Sure, you can remove the wrap, unlike the paint job, whenever you wish without causing damage to the original layer of paint. And just so you know, people come to wrap for various reasons, some for a fashionable update, others for the promotion of services or goods. The fact that car wrapping is temporary makes it an ideal option for those who are not ready to commit to a complete paint job, that’s the best bit about it.
So, Is Car Wrapping Legal in India?
Definitely, car wrapping in India is legal, however, some rules are to be taken into consideration with the prime one being that the wrap should replicate the original color of the vehicle as mentioned in your Registration Certificate (RC). For example, if your car registration indicates it’s blue, the wrapping should be that same blue or somewhat of the same shade. Changing the color entirely without notifying the RTO (Regional transport office) and updating the RC is out of the question. In case you want to change the car color totally for example, from blue to red you have to go to your RTO and have the red color indicated in your RC. Not informing them may lead to complaints from the officer regarding the alteration of the car’s appearance without permission, which might lead to a fine.
Key Legal Points to Consider
You see, before you put a wrapping on your car, making sure you check its color on your registration card is a must thing. You do not need to take further steps if the color of the wrap is the same as that of your registration card. On the other hand, if you would like to change it to another color, it is super important for you to go to the RTO first in order to set the necessary changes in your vehicle’s records. Keeping the law on vehicle identification, the car color must be a crucial factor towards that. In contrast, if the RC gets outdated with new color information, there might be a penalty to be paid. Likewise, very rarely, if people in the enrolling office suspect that some illegal activities, such as theft, have happened, the police may even seize your car, since the criminals often change the color of the car as a security measure.

Santosh Kumar is a Professional SEO and Blogger, With the help of this blog he is trying to share top 10 lists, facts, entertainment news from India and all around the world.