Ramjas School, Pusa Road, Delhi is a CBSE affiliated co-education school, which is run by the Ramjas Trust. The school is an English medium, day school. At current, the school is providing their quality education to over 1200 students. They have a staff of seventy-five teachers and other faculty members working hard to teach the next generation of our country. All of their teachers are highly skilled and provides a better learning environment. Their students are making their name in different fields that include both the academics and sports.
The quality education that they are providing to their students, helped the school to build a reputable name.
Admission Process
- The school is a senior secondary school, which means they take students from nursery to 11th standard. The admission form is available at the administration office, or you may even download it from their official website. http://www.ramjaspusa.com/
- Fill and submit the admission form at the administration office and make sure to submit all the necessary documents as well.
- Selection of the applicants will be based on merit. On getting your forum shortlisted, students might have to give an admission test.
- If you are applying for the nursery admission make sure your kid fulfills the minimum age criteria.
All the important information related to the admission, fees and rules of the school are available on their official website http://www.ramjaspusa.com/
The school has many spacious classrooms, all implemented with the smart technology to make the studies fun. To offer students with books that can help them in their future the school has its own library with a reading room. To organize all of their sports activities and outdoor function they have a big playground. Computer labs and science labs are also the part of this school.
Ramjas School, Pusa Road,
New Delhi
Phone No: +91-11-25767358, 91-11-25813523
Email Id: principal@ramjaspusa.com
Santosh Kumar is a Professional SEO and Blogger, With the help of this blog he is trying to share top 10 lists, facts, entertainment news from India and all around the world.