Rashtriya Military School Chail is located in Chail in the Solan district of Himachal Pradesh. The school was initially established to impart education to the sons of army officers. However, in the year 1952, half of the seats were opened for the sons of civilians as well. Initially known as Military School Chail, the school was renamed Rashtriya Military School Chail in 2007. The school is affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi.
Rashtriya Military School Chail is open for admission for Class VI and IX only. An entrance test is conducted by the school in the month of December each year. An interview is conducted for successful students. The candidate should also be medically fit.
For Class VI, the age of the candidate should be 10-11 years as on 1st July of the year in which admission is being sought. For Class IX, the age of the candidate should be 13-14 years as on the 1ST July of the year in which admission is being sought.
70% seats are reserved for sons of serving or retired JCOs, NCOs and their equivalent ranks in the Air Force and Navy. Remaining 30% seats are for sons of service officers and civilians.
For fee structure, refer to the school website http://rashtriyamilitaryschools.in/chail/Feestructure.html
The school has an E-classrooms for interactive learning. Science labs, language lab and computer lab are present in the school. The school also has a well stocked library, conference hall, motivational hall, photography museum and art gallery.
Sports facilities such as squash court, basketball court, tennis court, volleyball court, boxing ring and hockey field are available in the school.
Accommodations for the students along with a gymnasium, indoor games room and mess make up the cadet hostel.
Rashtriya Military School Chail Teh – Kandaghat
Distt- Solan (Shimla Hills)
Pin – 173217
Himachal Pradesh
Chail, Pin-173217
Contact Number: 01792-248326, 01792-248750
Email Id: chail@rashtriyamilitaryschools.in
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