The Salwan Public School at Mayur Vihar was established in year 1996. The syllabus of school follows CBSE Board of School education and imparts quality education to all students to make their future bright.
The school has trained and experienced teachers who help all students in their work and provide stimulating learning environment for their overall development.
Admission procedure
- The duly filled application form is to be deposited in school office within prescribed time period.
- A complete registration form will include the following documents:
- Proof of residence
- Photocopy of birth certificate
- Two photographs of a child with parents
- It is required to give entrance examination to all candidates to get admission in school.
- Admission depends on merit basis and allowed to all children subject to availability of seats.
- Entry to school at class nursery is open for child above age 3 year group.
If you want to get complete information about school’s admission procedure and eligibility criteria you can visit at official website link of school
Fee Structure
Parents of each candidate need to make contact at school office during working hours to get required information and details about different fee structure of various classes.
In well-designed infrastructure of school, students get variety of educational and academic facilities for their all-round development. School has library, labs, smart classes, sports playground,and art room to give proper education and fulfill their all requirements. A good and effective transport system with best security is allowed to children. School campus maintains several workshop and seminars for effective working of students. Medical check-up is undertaken by professionals to maintain proper health and medical room at school maintained to meet any emergency situation.
Mayur Vihar-III, Delhi-110096
Telephone No: 011-22626711 / 011-22626712 / 011-22626713
Email Id:
Santosh Kumar is a Professional SEO and Blogger, With the help of this blog he is trying to share top 10 lists, facts, entertainment news from India and all around the world.