This school is affiliated from the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi. The school focuses on making students, better citizens and leaders in order to make them better global citizens. The school follows all the guidelines laid by the CBSE in order to impart the best education to the students. The students are made to learn better with the help of experimental learning and projects. The school has got healthy student and teacher ratios for enhancing the learning process.
The teachers use the modern tools and techniques to enhance the learning of the students.
Admission Procedure
- The parents can only submit the admission form on the online website of the school and they can collect the forms from the website of the school.
- The application form will be provided according to the process, ‘first, come and first get’.
- The school authorities will shortlist the students for the submission of the forms.
- The parents will need to submit the copy of application form along with the necessary documents in the School Office.
The parents will also need to submit some necessary documents along with the registration form and they can check the necessary documents, age criteria, and other details by going on the official website
Fees Structure
The parents who want to know about the fee structure of the school can go to the official website of the school or they can also get the information by visiting the school’s desk.
- Smart Classrooms
- Well equipped computer labs, science labs, English lab and maths labs
- Creative Drama and learning futurology
- Sports and games are played under the supervision of physical education teachers
- Drawing and painting activities and competition
School Address
No. 237,238,
Coimbatore – 641108
Telephone Number: 0422 – 2908237 / 2400333 / 2932333
E-mail Id:,
Santosh Kumar is a Professional SEO and Blogger, With the help of this blog he is trying to share top 10 lists, facts, entertainment news from India and all around the world.