People have secrets and so the world. But the more they try to cover those secrets, the more attention it gets. Secrets after few years become mysteries and we can’t help but to ponder about it. But time and time, we come across certain evidences. There might be some secrets deserve to be unrevealed but at least eventually it can be accepted.
Shocking unrevealed secrets and surprises
10. Location of oil deposits in USA
The exact location of the oil mining remains a secret for US government. Some people said that the government just wants to avoid additional financial liabilities. One other reason why the locations are being kept is to prevent rich individuals from buying the land. The government does not want anyone to find out such land.
9. Medical secrets of US
When it comes to patient’s medical information, the United State of America’s law announces that it should be kept a secret. The government formulated this law to avoid any sort of embarrassment or dishonor to patients. The medical files can only be accessed by the authorized personnel that were legally or medically approved.
8. Hapsburg napkin folding in Austria
Folding the Hapsburg napkin is a royal act in Austria and there are some secret guidelines involve with it. The special fold of the napkin was used only at the royal tables. Some people say that keeping such napkin folding a secret is a royal culture. That is why there is no written guidelines can be found anywhere in the world and no one can replicate it except those trusted royal officials.
7. Secret of KFC restaurants
KFC has been one of the biggest restaurants in the world. They serve very delicious foods that everyone talked about yet nobody find out the real secret of the recipe. The recipe remains a mystery to the public and it is secretly kept and highly guarded at the company’s headquarters.
6. Area 51 in Nevada desert
The area 51 remains a weird stuff of the US government for almost 60 years. It is a giant desert base and is said to be the facility of US air force military. However, CIA reported that the area has been highly guarded from the public because of only one purpose – to test top secret aircraft projects.
5. US nuclear facilities
The secrets about nuclear is the most highly protected information in the world and only specific people know where they are exactly located. The US governments really try to protect the nuclear lunch codes. Thus, the facility remains undisclosed to the public so peole will never know about such nuclear information.
4. Catastrophic worldwide flood
Most people today are not aware about the reality of the terrible floods that basically destroyed most or all centers of human civilization. The true flood had occurred over tens of centuries already and the earliest historical records of humanity existence had proved its reality yet people still not aware of.
3. Egyptian mummies
The mummification of bodies in Egypt seems incredible because the hair, the skin and the bones remain intact for many years. The face can still be seen almost the same as a living one. Many people try to mimic the process but many fail. Some succeeded but had not copy the technique perfectly. Egyptians said that mummification involves various religious beliefs and practices.
2. Adolf Hitler’s death issue
Adolf Hitler in Germany was said to have killed himself in his underground bunker. But FBI release documents that his suicidal issue was faked. Some information showed that Hitler was alive even after world war II. He just needed to save himself from people who hated him a lot but the fact remain a secret to people around him.
1. HIV or AIDS theories
There has been a lot of debate regarding the origin of the disease. Many spread rumors heard it was originated from Africa but there are still no such proven facts. While other people believe that the disease came from the scientist laboratory. People still hope that the secret will be revealed in the future.

Santosh Kumar is a Professional SEO and Blogger, With the help of this blog he is trying to share top 10 lists, facts, entertainment news from India and all around the world.