The young generation in India is crazy after government jobs. Most of the government job offers lucrative salaries with top most facilities. With the rise of Information Technology in the country, the demand for government jobs has not reduced a bit. Working in a government organization elevates one’s prestige level. There are several government job opportunities available for candidates with different educational backgrounds. The main merits of these governmental jobs include High salary slab, flexibility in work, job security and facilities after retirement.
List of highest paying government jobs in India
10. Government Doctors
Working as a doctor for a government organization is a highly prestigious job. Most of the government doctors are highly paid for their services. These highly paying jobs also bring dignity and responsibility. Government doctors are generally treated with utmost respect in the society. The average salary of government doctors varies from INR 45,000 to INR 1, 50,000 per month.
9. Government Scientists
Getting selected as a scientist for government organization like ISRO and DRDO is a big achievement. The selection criteria for these prestigious jobs are very tough. The scientists working in government organizations are highly respected all over the country. Graduates and post graduates in science can apply for the post of scientists in Indian Space Research Organization and Defence Research and development Organization. The average salary of government scientists varies from INR 55,000 to INR 1, 90,000 per month.
8. Lecturers in Government Institutes
Working as a lecturer in government institutes is one of the best government jobs in India. Government lecturer is one of the best jobs in terms of financial benefits and work hours flexibility. With the new government policies in place, government lecturer gets good salary hikes every year. The average salary of government lecturer varies from INR 40,000 to INR 1, 20,000 per month.
7. Bank Probationary Officer
For finance students, working as a Probationary Officer in Nationalized Banks is a great achievement. However, working in banks can be a bit challenging job but the pay scales in government banks are quite high. Bank employees get additional benefits like interest-free loans, medical facilities, and travel allowances. The banks receive thousands of job applications every year from the candidates. The average salary of government probationary officer varies from INR 40,000 to INR 90,000 per month. Read Also: 10 Best Banks in India
6. Jobs in Defense
Defense jobs are considered as one of the high paying jobs in government sector. Apart from monetary benefits, the defense job is considered as one of the most respected jobs in the society. The job in defense sector requires immense physical and mental strength. The defense employees also get several benefits like Canteen facility, House Rent Allowance, Travel Allowance and free health care facility. The average salary of defense officer varies from INR 70,000 to INR 1, 80,000 per month.
5. Public service commission in States
State government public service commission is also a highly reputed job. Every year lakhs of students applies to appear in State public service commission examination. State Public Service Commission jobs are known for lucrative salaries and additional benefits from the State government. The average salary of Public Service Commission officer varies from INR 90,000 to INR 2, 00,000 per month.
4. Indian Railways Engineer
Indian Railways is one of the biggest government employers in the country. Working as an engineer at Indian Railways is a prestigious job. The job is associated with high salary package and additional benefits. Due to the numerous benefits and salary package associated with the job, several engineers apply to secure a job in Indian Railways. The average salary of Indian Railways Engineer varies from INR 60,000 to INR 1, 40,000 per month.
3. Job in Public Sector Unit
Every year Public Sector Units in India like BHEL, SAIL, ONGC and HAL produces several job opportunities for the young generation. The employees working at the Public Sector Units are highly paid and enjoy flexible working hours. The employee of Public Sector Units also enjoys several additional benefits. To enter the Public Sector Unit one needs to crack the entrance examinations. The average salary of officer in Public Sector Unit varies from INR 50,000 to INR 1, 30,000 per month.
2. Jobs at Reserve Bank of India
Job in Reserve Bank of India is one of the most reputed jobs in the country right now. To enter the apex bank of the country one needs to be smart and intelligent enough to crack the written examination. The job at Reserve Bank of India offers high salary package with several additional benefits. People working at Reserve Bank of India are treated with utmost respect in the society. The average salary of officer in RBI varies from INR 80,000 to INR 1, 80,000 per month.
1. Indian Administrative Services
Indian Administrative Services is one of the most desired and respected jobs in the country. Indian Administrative Services is associated with great perks such as high salary packages, health benefits, and social privileges. It takes lots of hard work to prepare and crack civil service examinations. The average salary of officer in Indian Administrative Services varies from INR 70,000 to INR 2, 40,000 per month.
The above-listed jobs are the top ten highest paying government jobs in India right now.

Santosh Kumar is a Professional SEO and Blogger, With the help of this blog he is trying to share top 10 lists, facts, entertainment news from India and all around the world.