Shipping companies play a key role in the growth of a country like India which has a vast coastline. The country has some big runners in the field and they excel at providing the best services in this sector. Shipping companies have played an important part in strengthening the economic front of a developing country such as India which is blessed to be having a vast coat line. It is only safe to say that our coastline is best utilized by the shipping companies which have expanded the otherwise jilted export of our country but also gathered attraction towards our rich heritage. What otherwise used to be a British colony aftermath, is now a strong developing country with an identity of its own and a strong market value. All thanks to the shipping countries which has helped Indian manufacturers and India as a whole to reach distant countries by exporting our native spices and other goods.
Shipping has been one of the most used ways of transportation for longer than we can imagine. Even in medieval India, we traded by shipping through the sea routes. But it was only in the late twentieth century that the Indian shipping companies made it big and are now famous in the great seas, as well.
Here is a list of 10 of the largest shipping companies in India. Some of these are newly startups which have made their way into the market by bringing modern technology and impressive advertising skills while others are old and legitimate companies which have managed to survive even the onset of air transportation. Have a look at these top ten shipping companies in India:
10. Shreyas Shipping
Shreyas shipping has come up as a leader in the shipping industry in India, with an array of services being made available by it. These include logistics, feeder services, and port agencies services, along with many others. This Mumbai based company which was set up in 1988, employs more than 2000 people at present.
9. Gujarat Pipavav
One of the companies which have been established relatively later as compared to all the others in the list is Gujarat Pipavav, which came into existence in 1997. The company provides an array of services, including shipping as well as manufacture of offshore supply vessels and merchant’s vessels.
8. Global Offshore Services Ltd
The next name on the list of 10 of the largest shipping companies in India is that of Global Offshore Services Ltd, which has its head office in Mumbai and excels in services related to transfer of personnel as well as cargo along with operations related to anchor handling.
7. Varun Shipping
Varun Shipping is another one amongst the largest and most well-known shipping companies in India and it has been in the field for the past 27 years. Today, this private company has a formidable collection of 20 vessels, 3 crude oil tankers and 10 LPG carriers, making it one of the largest in the industry. The head office of the company is located in Mumbai.
6. Bharati Shipyard
Another well-known shipping company in India is Bharati Shipyard, which has been providing services in shipping since 1973 and has established a trusted reputation for itself. The head office of the company is in Mumbai and it employs more than 3000 people.
5. ABG Shipyard
ABG Shipyard is one of the largest shipping companies in the country and it has been in the field since 1985. It has its manufacturing unit in Goa, while the main office of the company is located in Mumbai. More than 3500 people are employed with this shipping company, making it one of the largest in the country.
4. Mercator Limited
Mercator Limited, which was set up in 1983, has emerged as another leading name in this field for its high standard shipping services. The corporate office of this company is in Mumbai and it has more than 2000 people working for it to provide top class shipping services all over the country.
3. The Great Eastern Shipping Companies
Featuring next on the list of 10 of the largest shipping companies in India is The Great Eastern Shipping Companies, a private sector company which is renowned for excellence in this area. The Mumbai based company is engaged in a shipment of bulk orders of crude oil and gas an employee base of 2000 people.
2. The Shipping Corporation of India Ltd
The Shipping Corporation of India Ltd comes up as another leading name amongst the shipping companies in India and is a government undertaking, which was set up in 1961. It has its head office in Delhi and operates through 79 ports in the coastal areas. A strong workforce of 3000 people is engaged in providing dedicated services for the company.
1. Essar Shipping
One of the largest and most well-known shipping companies in India is Essar Shipping, a private sector company which was established in 1945. The company is engaged in the shipping of bulk cargo and crude oil, which it does through its 26 vessels. It is headquartered in Mumbai, though operates through all the main seaports around the country and has as many as 400 employees.
All these shipping companies have a name of repute in the country because they have been giving excellent services for years now.

Santosh Kumar is a Professional SEO and Blogger, With the help of this blog he is trying to share top 10 lists, facts, entertainment news from India and all around the world.