Art collectors around the world like to collect treasured paintings, for which they are ready to shell out millions of dollars. Some of these paintings are the works of great artists and are considered priceless.
Here is the list of 10 most expensive paintings ever:
10. Silver Car Crash (Double Disaster)
The painting called “Silver Car Crash (Double Disaster)”, which was created in 1963 by the leading American visual arts specialist, Andy Warhol, is one of the costliest works of 2015. It fetched a whopping $ 105.4 million in November, 2014.
9. Nude, Green Leaves and Bust
Featuring next on the list of 10 most expensive paintings is the Pablo Picasso painting called “Nude, Green Leaves and Bust”, which was sold for an incredible price of $ 106.5 million at Christie’s Auction in 2010. Created in 1932, this masterpiece had been owned for nearly 60 years by collectors Sidney and Frances Lasker Brody.
8. Flag
Fetching a price of $ 110 million, the hot wax painting called “Flag” is one of the costliest in the world. A work of artist Jasper Johns, it was created in 1954 and housed in San Francisco Museum till sold in 2010 to Steven A Cohen.
7. The Scream
“The Scream” is a sketch work creation of the renowned 19th century expression artist Edvard Munch. The painting dates back to 1895 and was sold for an unbelievable price of $ 119.9 million in 2012 by Petter Olsen to Leon Black.
6. Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I
Featuring next on the list of 10 most expensive paintings of 2015 is the famous Gustav Klimt work called “Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I”, which was sold by Maria Altmann to Ronald Lauder Neue Galerie, for $ 135 million. A part of a 2 series paintings, this impressive gold and oil canvas too three years to be completed and was presented in 1907.
5. Woman III
“Women III” is another magnificent piece of art, which fetched a huge price of $ 137.5 million at a private auction in 2006. A work of Willem de Kooning, the painting was bought by the American collector Steven A Cohen.
4. No 5, 1948
This fantastic work of Jackson Pollock was sold for a whopping $ 140 million in a private auction in 2006. David Geffen sold this painting, which was bought by David Martinz.
3. Three Studies of Lucian Freud
The next name to feature on the list of 10 most valuable paintings of 2015 is the oil canvas painting called “Three Studies of Lucian Freud”, which was created by Francis Bacon in 1969. It was bought by Elaine Wynn for $ 142.4 million at 2013 Christie’s auction.
2. Le Reve
Le Reve is another popular oil canvas done by master artist Pablo Picasso, which commanded a startling price of $ 155 million. The 1932 work was bought by American collector Steven A Cohen in 2013.
1. The Card Players
The most expensive painting ever sold is “The Card Players”, a part of the five series oil paintings collection made by artist Paul Cezanne in 1892-93. The brilliant piece of work went to the royal family of Qatar in 2011, for an unbelievable price of $ 259 million.
It is hard to believe that a thing like a painting can cost a fortune, but the collectors around the world know the true worth of these masterpieces and are willing to spend such huge amounts for owning them.

Santosh Kumar is a Professional SEO and Blogger, With the help of this blog he is trying to share top 10 lists, facts, entertainment news from India and all around the world.