This school was established in the year 1968 and it is a Gujarati English medium school which gives admission to the students from Kindergarten to class 10th. This school has the strength of more than 1200 students and is affiliated to both the Cambridge International Examinations and Gujarat Secondary Education Board.
The school is spread in the 35,000 sq. ft of education complex along with the playground.
Admission Procedure
- The parents can get the admission form from the school on which they will need to attach the passport size photographs of the candidate.
- The birth certificate, transfer certificate, previous year’s report card, medical certificate and aadhar card is also needed to be attached along with the admission form.
- After filling the form with appropriate details, the parents can submit the form in the school’ office after which the final decision of the admission will in the hands of the school principal according to the number of seats available in each class.
For any extra details regarding the admission procedure, you can visit
Fees Structure
The parents can go to the school’s office for knowing the fee structure of the candidate for a particular class.
This is the best school for your child if you want the blend of modern facilities along with the traditional study methods. The school has smart classrooms where the students can learn about a lot of new things related to their subject. The large playground will allow them to play various games which will ensure their better physical health. The school has a large playground where the students can learn to play different games.
School Address
Tripada Education Trust
K.K Nagar Road, Near Madhuvrund
Water Tank, Madhuvrund Society,
Ghatlodia, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380061
Phone number: 079 2747 7632
Santosh Kumar is a Professional SEO and Blogger, With the help of this blog he is trying to share top 10 lists, facts, entertainment news from India and all around the world.