VSSC Central School was established in 1976 and it is managed by ISRO, department of space. This school is affiliated with CBSE board and they are providing the education facilities for the students up to senior secondary level. This school is located at a beautiful and peaceful location in Kazhakottom, Thiruvananthapuram. At the school, the students will find the world-class facilities of advanced learning and all over development.
They focus on the space technology and they have facilities for Science and Commerce stream for the senior secondary classes.
At the school, well experienced and highly skilled teachers provide next level education facilities for the students.
Admission procedure
- On the priorities, the children of LPSC, VSSC, IIST and IISU employees, CISF Personnel, Retired ISRO employees will get admissions.
- For the admissions in class 9th and higher will be based on written test.
- The admissions will be based on the availability of seats in all the classes.
- The school principal has rights to approve or reject the admission applications.
To get more information on the admission procedure and eligibility criteria, you can visit the website link http://school.vssc.gov.in/index.php/hom/admission/admission-guidelines.
Fee structure
For the details on the fee structure for different classes, you can contact the school office during the working hours.
At this school, they have well-structured infrastructure design to provide a perfect learning environment to all the students. They also have the facilities for the well-equipped library, Laboratories, auditorium, and exposure to the activities related to space. For the physical development of the students, they have volleyball, basketball hockey quotes and indoor shuttle court.
With a major playground, they also focus on extra-curricular activities for the students. The students will get transport facilities in school buses in the selected areas.
Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, St. Xavier’s College (PO)
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Phone No: 0471-2563711
Fax: 0471-2563845
Email Id: school@vssc.gov.in
Santosh Kumar is a Professional SEO and Blogger, With the help of this blog he is trying to share top 10 lists, facts, entertainment news from India and all around the world.