Needless to say, there are several web hosting choices that everybody can have these days. However, whatever kind of web hosting you choose, one thing is for sure and this is the fact that web hosting options are there to help you achieve a better internet connection and great internet browsing experience. One good example is the window server hosting. This kind of web hosting will only operate on one particular server, and this is where all your files and contents are being kept. In most cases, the operating system you are using will determine what kind of web hosting you must choose.
Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 originally came from the Windows NT core, and these are usually included in the numerous Windows hosting plans available at present. These web servers of Windows can promote versatility and robustness. The thing is, there are several advantages and disadvantages associated in Window hosting, and it is extremely important to know all of them.
Top Advantages to Remember
Window hosting is the top choice of many people all over the world. For sure, the main reason for this is the great numbers of advantages they can get from using it. Some of these advantages are the following:
- Flawlessly Integrate the Database – a particular Windows server can greatly help in integrating database, which is why it is best to choose Window hosting if the website of yours require data gathering from a certain Access database.
- You Can Take Advantage of the ASP.NET – Making interactive, unique, and dynamic website contents is very important so that more and more people will be enticed to visit your webpage, and this is all possible through the ASP.NET. Just in case you do not know, ASP.NET is only available in Window hosting.
- Compatible to Windows Operating System – Window hosting will give you convenient moments when you are using the Windows operating system. These two are extremely compatible, so there is no need to worry about using it.
- It Supports SQL Server Made by Microsoft – SQL server is one best and robust DBMS available today. It plays an important role in every performance-based application development. The thing is, this server is only supported by Windows operating systems, so it is ideal to choose Window hosting.
- It Supports Several Important Business Applications – High end business users can also gain great things from Window hosting. It is simply because it supports several business level applications such as the Exchange Servers. When it comes to business-critical information handing, Exchange Servers is the one to rely on.
- It is Hassle Free – There are lots of individuals out there who are using Microsoft Front Page, and this can be accessed very easily if you will have Windows server hosting. It is all thanks to the available Front Page extensions.
Common Disadvantages Involved with Window Hosting
If there are a lot of advantages that you can enjoy in a Windows server hosting, you must don’t forget that there are several sets of disadvantages about it that also need some serious considerations from you. Some of these drawbacks are written below:
- It Involves Many Licensing Costs – Just in case you do not know, Window hosting may put a hole on your pocket since there are lots of licensing costs that you have to deal with. Hence, be extra careful if you want to try this kind of web hosting.
- Some Powerful Servers Cannot Be Utilized for Free – Exchange Serves as well as MSSQL are not free if you are using Windows server hosting. What is even more disappointing about it is the fact that these two come with higher costs.
- It is Not Compatible with Some Other Software – Windows hosting is not fit for the open source concept. It is simply because this is not compatible to a lot of software, and these numerous software might be the ones you need for your purpose.
- The Security is Not Assured – The security of the Windows server hosting is not clear. It is simply because how it is being set up will determine the level of security and stability it can have.
These things are just a few of the amazing advantages and discouraging disadvantages of using Windows server hosting. Before deciding to make use of this kind of web hosting, knowing these things first is very significant.

Santosh Kumar is a Professional SEO and Blogger, With the help of this blog he is trying to share top 10 lists, facts, entertainment news from India and all around the world.